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Cancellation Information

14 Mar 2024
Cancellation Information


Sometimes we need to cancel events. We live in Auckland, so it is probably the weather, but it may also be freight, or cast sickness.

If you are thinking of coming to one of our events (especially if it is outside) double check our website, we will utilise our top banner and update this news item as soon as we make any decisions. Cancellation is always the last resort and will only be done if we absolutely must and sometimes it takes us a bit of time to work through different scenarios, we appreciate your understanding.

Sunday, 24 March

3pm, Undergrand Karaoke

Unfortunately the forecast rain has resulted in needing to cancel this event as it is too risky for our baby grand piano.

Saturday 23 March

We are forging ahead with most of our events.  All events at Aotea Square are going ahead.


Undergrand, 11am, Cornwall Park - CANCELLED

Undergrand, 5pm, Māngere Maunga - CANCELLED

RoZéO, 15-17 March

Te Ahurei Toi o Tāmaki Auckland Arts Festival regrets to announce that the planned performances of RoZéO on 15, 16 and 17 March have been cancelled due to last minute international air freight cancellations, which has meant that the specialised equipment required for the aerial performances will not arrive in time.

The performances were planned to take place as part of the Moana Festival on Te Wero Island on the Auckland waterfront this weekend. All other Moana Festival events will still go ahead as planned.

We still have an incredible range of free and ticketed events planned for this weekend. Head to Aotea Square on Saturday for Culture Beats and City Beats, enjoy Undergrand at Brick Bay, Wenderholm and Piha or soak up the live music and dance with our Street Beats programme happening around the city. Click here for more information.

Street Beats RnR

Due to weather we have had to cancel the 5.30pm, 15 March performance of RnR outside McDonalds Queen Street.


You will be taken directly to Ticketmaster’s site for payment processing
